13 June 2010

*the gallery gala 2010

i am currently in a local exhibitionThe Arnot Art Museum is a world-class institution of fine art located at 235 Lake Street in Elmira, New York USA. and open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10am - 5pm. Housed in its original 1833 showcase with a grand late-twentieth century gallery addition, the museum displays its permanent collection of 17th to 19th century European paintings, 19th and 20th century American art. Temporary exhibitions highlight various aspects of the collections and include works from around the world.  

here is my work

here are the participating artists 
 mavin ambrose * tedd arnold * walter arnold * will arnold * barbara c. baldwin * linda banks hansee * jacquelyn becker * chris ball * anne bialkemarty breinlinger * tom buechner * ann cady * derek chalfant * tess danaher * lynn dates * ron dixon * john doddato * david dowler * jennifer fais * tom gardner * william gudenrath * fred herbst * kathleen huddle * robert ivers * diane janowski * jan kather * betsy kent * chris longwell * ginnie lupi * mary madigan * jeff perrault * marty poole * rod reynolds * marc rubin * mike sampson * pat saxe * amy schwartz * carol schwartzott * william schweizer * grant silverstien * denny smith * joann smith * joanne sonsire * barbara sowinski * jean k. stephens * bridget b. vanotterloo * debb vandelinder * caroleen vaughan * john wahlig * gary weisman * ann welles * aleta yarrow * barbara young * treacy ziegler

here are the details - i hope you can join me for a fun night
The GALLERY GALA returns! framed! is the fifteenth Gallery Gala exhibition, and will open to the public on Saturday, 5 June 2010 in the West Wing Galleries. It presents the work of 53 regional artists in a hybrid museum / gallery atmosphere. That is, unlike in all other Arnot shows, these works will be available for sale to Museum visitors!

The first two weeks of the show present preview possibilities for the public; savvy buyers visit the galleries and plan their strategies for purchases.

And then … on 18 June, the public is invited to an exciting and fun evening of (as the invitation says) “fine art, elegant food and drink, and bare-knuckled bidding wars!”  The exhibition will continue through 9 July, after which the works will be delivered to winning buyers. Over 140 works, ranging in price from $50 to several thousand dollars, will be exhibited.

Tickets to the event, which is chaired by Susan Chalmers and AJ Fratarcangelo, are $40 per person ($35 for Museum members).  Wine and beer will be served, with hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Global Gourmet. Bidding will begin at 6:30, and the gavel will come down on sold works by 9pm.

For reservations or more information, contact the Arnot Art Museum's Guest Services Desk at 607.734.3697.

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